Method 1:
If you have installed the app on root domain example and files are placed in a folder named as public_html.
Create .htaccess file and add the below content to .htaccess file. Put this place at public_html folder Ref:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ public/$1 [L]

Method 2
If you have installed the app on subdomain example and files are placed in a folder named as public_html/app
Just point the subdomain directly to public folder inside app [> to /public_html/app/public]

Note: The above code works on the root public_html folder. Having said that your core Laravel files should be inside the public_html folder if your directory looks like public_html/laravelapp/public and if you put the above code inside laravelapp it won't work. Therefore you must copy all your core files into public_html and put the .htaccess file there. If you want to keep the code in a subdirectory then you can create a subdomain then this code will work for that also.