Devhezky Sorry, we encountered an error while displaying this content. If you're a user, please try again later. If you're an administrator, take a look in your Flarum log files for more information.
ajay-froiden Devhezky Please wait for our upcoming module. You can buy that module. We will ship a lot translation already translated by google api
MarieNoelMbogniDoumkeng ajay-froiden when will it be available? ajay-froiden when will it be available?
ajay-froiden MarieNoelMbogniDoumkeng Its already released today
Devhezky Do u guys have the CSV/XLS files to import the leads data? I tried to export the Leads data to get the xls/csv file, but when i fill the spreadsheet the data is invalid when i import the files.
Devhezky Do you have an xls/csv template file so I can import my Leads data in the dashboard? I tried to export my Leads data in the dashboard, then I used the file as a template to import my Leads data, but the file failed to load my leads data.
ajay-froiden Devhezky We are working on adding Indonesia language. It will be added today in few hours.