razak Looking good. Please allow tp have have function edit product, edit product category, edit task category etc..
RandyWilson abhinav-froiden I'm a professional React Developer but I also work will Laravel on our backend. if you need any help I will gladly help you bring this to life.
RingSing This looks more professional and very refined but if you can make the custom fields to work in employee/custom role section it will be more fine, Thank you.
abhinav-froiden Hi Everyone Thank you for supporting and providing feedback. We have started the development of the non-saas version (in Laravel ver.8) and SAAS version (React). Once a basic version is ready we will provide you a link to check it. Thank you for your patience.
HBArif abhinav-froiden From against we are waiting for your new UI update but right now, you don't release! now you told us, V.8 & React why after few days tell us fake info don't update fake news, tell us a specific date for release
abhinav-froiden HBArif We are happy that you all are excited about the new UI update. But things do take time, especially as we have to keep working on the currently running application too. We will release the new UI when we will feel it is ready to use in production. So we can not give you any release date.
martinC abhinav-froiden can you please confirm if we are able to continue customizations on the current PHP laravel non-saas version and that this will not be affected with the new version update?
abhinav-froiden martinC When you update the application via the one-click update feature then all files get replaced. So whether you update on the current UI or upcoming new UI your customization will be lost. You will have to carefully merge your customizations while updating.
martinC abhinav-froiden Thank you for being clear for myself and others. The "new" non-sass GUI version upgrade you will soon release (non-mobile app) will continue to use laravel or switch to react?
JanexWeb abhinav-froiden I didn't understand, can you please explain this new product. Could you be more specific in what you plan
martinC abhinav-froiden Can you be clear if the "react" version will be compatible with the Laravel version? Can we continue working on laravel system and then we can integrate the laravel version later into the new react version??
vankhoa192 feature to create landing pages for customers using SAAS, show products and order products from the landing page, send contact requests from the landing page automatically added to leads.
HBArif ASG Since August-2020, we are waiting for your new UI update but right now, this author doesn't release!